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Building Together, Bridging Futures: The Bridge Church Building Fund


Advancing the Kingdom, Building Communities

Welcome to an exciting new chapter in the journey of The Bridge Church. Consistent with our mission and vision to advance God’s kingdom, establish strong communities, and bridge the gap between Christ and the world, we are thrilled to announce the launch of The Bridge Church Building Fund, commencing this October 2023.

Aligning with Our Mission & Vision

Our building fund is not just a campaign to raise money for a structure; it's an investment in our mission and vision. Our aim is to raise £240,000 over the next two years to fund a place that serves as a hub for:

  • Missions and Outreaches: Extending God’s love beyond the church walls.

  • Church Planting and Growth: Establishing church communities worldwide.

  • Welfare and Support: Demonstrating compassion to those in need.

  • Community Development: Being a catalyst for positive change in the local community.

  • Youth Engagement: Empowering the next generation of spiritual leaders.

This building will be a living testament to our commitment to being a church where the weak become strong, where all people can Know God, Find Freedom, Discover their Purpose, and Make a Difference in the world.

How You Can Participate

As a church of many nations committed to discipling and unleashing the next generation of leaders, your support is invaluable. Here are ways you can contribute:

  1. Be One of "The Bridge 100": Commit £2,400 over 2 years. That’s just £100 per month to help fulfil this vision!

  2. One-Time Donation: Every contribution, large or small, brings us closer to our God-given mission.

  3. General Pledge: Opt for a monthly, quarterly, or annual donation that aligns with your capacity to give.

  4. Gift Aid: UK taxpayers can boost their donations by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme at no extra cost.

  5. Corporate Sponsorship: Businesses can participate through various sponsorship opportunities.

  6. Fundraising: Engage your creative talents to organize community events or activities aimed at fundraising.

How to Contribute

  • Online: Use the "Donate Now" button for a secure, quick contribution.

  • By Cheque: Make it payable to "The Bridge Church Building Fund."

  • Bank Transfer: Details will be provided upon request.

  • In-Person: Contributions are welcome at any of our services.

Building as a Bridge

We invite everyone, whether you’re a longtime member or a friend of The Bridge Church, to become part of this transformative project. Let us be the bridge—personally, communally, and globally—as we advance God's kingdom together.

For more information or to discuss your contribution options, please contact us.

Join us in turning this divine vision into a tangible reality. Your support is not just appreciated—it's eternal.

Donate Now

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